10 years in Russian captivity!

Today, on September the 18th 2024, 10 years have passed since the Valentyn Vyhivskyi was imprisoned by the occupiers. Valentyn is one of the first political prisoners who were detained at the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In 2014, he was arrested as a Euromaidan activist by Russian FSB officers in occupied Crimea. A year later, the court found the Ukrainian guilty of espionage and sentenced him to 11 years of strict regime.

Parents are fighting for the release of their son all this time. And it is reported that Valentyn was kept in solitary confinement for most of his term.

Currently, as a political prisoner of the Kremlin, Valentyn has been in the Russian cells during the longest time.

The Association of Relatives of Kremlin Political Prisoners calls on readers and the media to spread the information. We also call on all the responsible to facilitate the release of Valentyn during the next exchange of civilian prisoners.

Read more about Valentine on our website in the section About Prisoners.

Watch the interview of Valentin's father, Petro Vyhivskyi, where he tells his son's story (you should turn on the automatical English subtitles).

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