Movie screening of the documentary "Real" by Oleg Sentsov, an ex-Kremlin conscript, film director and soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

On October the 19th, at 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., the Kyiv cinema "Zhovten" will host a screening of the documentary film "Real" by Oleg Sentsov, an ex-Kremlin conscript, film director and soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Language: Ukrainian with English subtitles. Tickets can be purchased on the cinema's website.

With the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Oleg Sentsov has joined the Ukrainian army and fought on the southeastern front. In the summer of 2023, he accidentally filmed one of the battles when his APC was hit by an enemy. Oleg found himself in the nearest trench and, with the help of radio communication, tried to organize the evacuation of part of his unit, which was under fire, almost without ammunition, to a position codenamed "Real".

Curator Serhii Xaverov: "Real" best fits the definition of an anti-film. This is one and a half hours of a combative but routine situation, which was filmed without the previous intention of the author himself, which contradicts the very idea of ​​cinema as a look at reality. ... "Real" does not have a traditional drama that swings the audience with emotional swings and accumulates strength for the biggest pushes closer to the final. "Real" does not "create" any situation, so the cameraman and all the people in the frame are not aware that they are in a movie.

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