Our NGO signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Molochansk City Council of Zaporizhzhia region
  • In order to facilitate the release of Ukrainian citizens illegally deprived of their personal freedom as a result of Russian military aggression against Ukraine and to provide support to their families,
  • to provide effective legal protection and humanitarian assistance to both the illegally imprisoned persons and their family members,
  • for collecting, documenting and analyzing information about possible war crimes, in particular, regarding the illegal deprivation of liberty as a result of Russian aggression of citizens of Ukraine for political and other reasons,

NGO Association of Relatives of Kremlin Political Prisoners signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Molochan City Council of the Zaporizhzhia region. We will cooperate in the following areas:

  • promoting the release of illegally deprived civilians of Ukraine by cooperating with national and international human rights organizations, diplomatic institutions and authorities to intensify their efforts in this direction;
  • keeping the issue of the release of citizens of Ukraine illegally deprived of personal freedom as a result of Russian aggression in the center of public and meda attention, organizing information campaigns, public actions and events to raise public awareness of this issue;
  • support for families illegally deprived of personal freedom, including social, psychological, humanitarian support and assistance in solving household issues;
  • assistance in access to professional legal assistance to protect their rights and interests, especially in matters related to establishing the fact of deprivation of personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine;
  • collection, systematization and analysis of information about war crimes of the Russian Federation,
  • documenting war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the course of Russian aggression against Ukraine, in particular, in-depth interviewing of witnesses, victims of war crimes with their consent, with the aim of protecting the victims of Russian armed aggression in Ukraine and holding the senior leadership of the Russian Federation and direct perpetrators accountable war crimes and crimes against humanity;
  • unification of efforts in the direction of recovery, reintegration, development of the Molochas urban territorial community after the de-occupation of the region.

According to the Memorandum, the Molochan City Council of the Zaporizhzhia Region, within the limits of its powers:

  • Dissemination of information about those illegally deprived of personal freedom and their family members is included, using available local, national and international information platforms.
  • Organizes press conferences, media briefings and other public events to draw attention to this issue.
  • It will contribute to the development and implementation of programs and projects aimed at supporting community residents affected by Russian aggression, including initiatives for social adaptation, professional reintegration, as well as providing legal and psychological support to persons released from captivity and illegally deprived as a result of Russian aggression.
  • In cooperation with the NGO "Union of Relatives of Political Prisoners of the Kremlin" organizes educational events and programs to raise awareness of issues related to social protection and support of persons and their family members illegally deprived of their personal freedom as a result of Russian aggression;
  • Contributes to the documentation of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

For its part, the NGO "Association of Relatives of Political Prisoners of the Kremlin":

  • Supports the implementation of agreed projects and programs aimed at protecting the rights and interests of persons illegally deprived of personal freedom as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine and their family members, as well as at the support and reintegration of released persons.
  • Provides assistance to persons who need it within the framework of programs and projects existing in the NGO "Association of Relatives of Political Prisoners of the Kremlin";
  • Organizes and conducts informational events and campaigns regarding the implementation of projects and programs carried out within the framework of the Memorandum, noting that the events are held in cooperation with the Melitopol City Council of the Zaporizhia region;
  • Provides collection, systematization and analysis of information on war crimes of the Russian Federation, documentation of possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during Russian aggression against Ukraine in the region.

Thank you and we hope for efective cooperation!

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