The daughter of Kremlin prisoner Viktor Shur: a new letter with pictures had arrived from her father

Olga Nalimova, the daughter of Kremlin prisoner Viktor Shur, wrote on her page that a new letter with pictures had arrived from her father. Victor's health has deteriorated, osteoarthritis has also been added, which prevents him from sleeping. "I am going to physiotherapy with a cane... May God make it through these 2 years," his letter dated September 8, 2024 reads.

According to his daughter, Victor Shur has not received the last three letters, only one came 2 months after sending it in August. "Don't worry about me, everything will be okay," Viktor writes.
Viktor Shur never got his brushes, paints, pencils, and paper back from the administration. Currently, he draws as much as he can on A5 format. Here are his new drawings - "Bird" and the landscape "Carpathians" (taken from fantasy). And on the envelope - blue parrots.

Viktor Shur lived in Chernihiv. On December 9, 2014, Viktor was arrested for allegedly insulting a police officer and sentenced to 15 days in prison. Later it became known that he was accused of violating the rules of the regime facility, but later the article was reclassified as treason. On October 8, 2015, Viktor was sentenced to 12 years in a strict regime prison. He is being held in Russia in the Bryansk region. Details - on our website in the Prisoners section.

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