Who are political prisoners of the Kremlin?

Victims of aggressive policy of Russia which has been holding Ukrainian citizens hostage for more than eight years.
At least 151 Ukrainian citizens deprived of liberty for political reasons and illegally detained in the Russian Federation and temporarily occupied Crimea.
citizens of Ukraine
deprived of liberty
in Russia in 2023
citizens of Ukraine
deprived of liberty
in Crimea in 2023
11 years
The average term
of imprisonment
for the prisoners
>1100 years
As of 2023, the prisoners’ deprivation of liberty totally makes

Abdurakhmanov Ruslan Yusufovych


Case: The Noman Chelebidzhikhan Battalion

Status: sentenced to 5 years

Abiltarov Rustem Seiranovych


Case: Hizb ut-Tahrir. Bakhchysarai group I

Status: sentenced to 8 years and 9 months

Abkhairov Arsen Remziiovych


Case: Hizb ut-Tahrir. Krasnohvardiiske group

Status: Sentenced to 13 years

Abseitov Zevri Serdarovych


Case: Hizb ut-Tahrir. Bakhchysarai group I

Status: sentenced to 8 years and 9 months

Adilov Bilial Abdurakhmanovych


Case: Hizb ut-Tahrir. Simferopol group II

Status: sentenced to 14 years

Aivazov Raim Khalilovych


Case: Hizb ut-Tahrir. Simferopol group II

Status: sentenced to 17 years

Akhmetov Asan


Case: Sabotage in Perevalne

Status: Sentenced to 15 years

Akhmetov Aziz


Case: Sabotage in Perevalne

Status: Sentenced to 13 years